Saturday, 23 February 2013

The Definition of Work

what is the definition of work. most of us would agree that the word itself brings  a predominate thoughts of a hard job they had themselves or witnessed someone else doing. so what does work equate? one thing! MONEY.  so do we dread money$ of course not. but the thought of making money , good money for that matter can incorporate thoughts of doubt discouragement and planned disappointment.

it doesnt have to be this way. and it all starts with  these 3 imporant principles.

throughout the next 2 weeks i will state 3 principles that will gaurantee a more successful approach to any thing you want to be or go in your lifetime!
1. association
dont take this the wrong way but take a look around you and who do you see. it might be your family friends and of course people close to you. a vital question to ask yourself is, are the people who you associate yourself with in the same direction or heading in the same direction in accordance to your dreams and goals? 

im not saying by any means to dissociate yourself from people who you care about. but additionally if you for instance, want to be successful in your area or field. than befriend someone who has what have, who have achieved what you want, study his or her habits.  football is a great analogy. in professional levels their are coaches hired for a specific position within football. They do not place defensive backs with a  coach who specializes in field goal kicking.  

in my industry the mlm industry. i can consider mentors and sponsors as coaches. all working towards one goal. just like both the players and coaches, we all want to win!

association is a vital key to keeping you on tract in observing, mimicing and perfecting  the proven  processes from those who have done or achieved what you want

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