Tuesday, 19 March 2013


The other day, during my daily routine of where my

most  critical thinking occurs, (within the first 15 minuted upon waking up each morning) I was thinking back to when I was a child and began brainstorming  of what was the earliest want, need,desire or sense of satisfaction that people develop in their lives. Of course necessities to live like eating 
and drinking come first, however upon becoming functional and even a little bit before, what we all appreciate most is attention! It may be love from you parents or guardians or your social status at school. Receiving attention is the predecessor to the necessary premise of defining character and developing a positive or negative reputation to others, which is the ability to receiving the attention of others. Once you realized HOW you are getting other's attention, you will soon realize why people treat you the way they do, or in other words, how  they get your attention.  Its up to you which way you choose to attract attention. 2 students in the same class both were able to get the attention of their teacher. The first student handed in his assignment 4 days before the due date and his  efforts were clearly shown, while the other student failed to hand in his assignment at all. It is quite obvious that by shifting your focus from merely getting attention to what kind of attention what you will be getting, you can begin to build a reputation of where more people will be able to appreciate your efforts which will reinforce credibility, motivation and success! and remember! No attention is better than bad attention. So choose your actions wisely.  stay tuned! 

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