Tuesday 19 March 2013


The other day, during my daily routine of where my

most  critical thinking occurs, (within the first 15 minuted upon waking up each morning) I was thinking back to when I was a child and began brainstorming  of what was the earliest want, need,desire or sense of satisfaction that people develop in their lives. Of course necessities to live like eating 
and drinking come first, however upon becoming functional and even a little bit before, what we all appreciate most is attention! It may be love from you parents or guardians or your social status at school. Receiving attention is the predecessor to the necessary premise of defining character and developing a positive or negative reputation to others, which is the ability to receiving the attention of others. Once you realized HOW you are getting other's attention, you will soon realize why people treat you the way they do, or in other words, how  they get your attention.  Its up to you which way you choose to attract attention. 2 students in the same class both were able to get the attention of their teacher. The first student handed in his assignment 4 days before the due date and his  efforts were clearly shown, while the other student failed to hand in his assignment at all. It is quite obvious that by shifting your focus from merely getting attention to what kind of attention what you will be getting, you can begin to build a reputation of where more people will be able to appreciate your efforts which will reinforce credibility, motivation and success! and remember! No attention is better than bad attention. So choose your actions wisely.  stay tuned! 

Friday 8 March 2013

The Creative Process

        The universe is Based upon a laws that cannot be broken. Each have its own purpose and is essential in the existence of everything we see including ourselves.However,  there is one law that consists of aspects of which we cannot see or physically grasp. It also cannot be changed. Any great inventor would agree that learning to live by the laws of the universe will speed up productivity, like the Wright brothers. or Thomas Edison and his idea of the light bulb. These men did not create the laws, but lived and worked by the laws and success followed them. A pre adolescent would even agree that swimming against the current or running uphill or off the path is counter productive. This law has guided humanity to  great heights, proving true that we are ourselves creators and builders as being created in the  image of the living God .  The law is not partial to race, gender It is One might say, "I want to change my rituals and associate myself with the right people that will bring me to success".  But how? another might reply. One person might  strive and work as much as he THINKS he can at changing s rituals and who he associates with, cannot change his ways. Albert Einstein said that" the height of insanity is  doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  As i mentioned in a previous post, the things that we do or our rituals are bound by what appeases to our gratification. We already know that focusing on long term,  gratification is far more beneficial than short term, simply because a vast majority of things that brings us temporary happiness  have one problem, its temporary.  Drinking a lot of alcohol might bring you temporary happiness, aswell as gambling your college fund, however no matter what at the end of the day, when the temporary gratification ends, we are left with nothing and always wanting more temporary gratification. 95% of the world works for money because its a quick pay  on an hourly wage. Its temporary. Let us ask some of history's greats and successful entrepreneurs  if they spent much time on immediate and temporary gratification.   So If our rituals are bound by what brings us gratification, then what determines what brings us gratification? A New home, make a million  dollars, a 5 dollar raise, find a wife? whatever  might be that we want but currently do not have would make us feel good or gratify us if we had it. Ask someone if they want a new Lamborghini? im sure the answer would be the same every time. But what a minute, there are actual people who own them? crazy. They must be lucky? won the lottery? inheritance? ..... The common stereotypes that people propose on wealthy people. but why cannot we have it? There is only one way to get someone you do not have. And Thats by using the very law that allows anyone to do anything, just like the physical laws allowed great inventions. The Law of attraction will allow you to invent yourself.  When i first heard the law of attraction i was taken by surprise because in my uneducated mind believed attraction was simply a physical attribute among people. I was totally wrong, infact backwards,. But in reality true attraction is the ability to attract something into yourself, whatever it might be. I was introduced to the Law of attraction through the book, The Secret, which changed my life and outlook on my capabilities as a creator. How do we use the law of attraction? First and for most you have to want something. It doesn't matter what it is. Then Believe it that it will become true. Believe it so much to be true that you even thank God or the universe for it before even receiving it.  remember, thoughts become things!! Where ever we focus our thinking and our emotions, is what will manifest in our lives. Its always the same, no exceptions.  Our thoughts are actions and emotions react to our thoughts and heavily reinforce them.  We as human beings typically do better at anything when we are enjoying ourselves. In order to attract anything It is essential to feel good. Of course bad things arise, anxiety discouragement ect. What ever bad emotion we call it, its the same bad feeling inside. On the other hand there is the good feeling whatever you may call it joy, peace, happiness. We know that the 2 opposites exist. We must decide which feelings and thoughts we should focus on  and no one enjoys anything being unhappy. Since what we feel and think, we manifest and make happen. All you have to do is focus on what you want and ignore any thought or feeling that would be contradictory or counter productive. When someone attempts to complete a word search they look for the words on the list in the box of scrambled letters. The words can be like we want to attract in our lives, and scrambled letters represent the world we live in. In a word search we carefully examine the letters and need not focus on any letters or any group of  letters that does not fit the word they are looking for. The same rule applies to when you want to attract something, if you focus on what you do not want, the negatives, complaining ect. You will get more of what you do not want simply to give yourself a reason to justify what you're saying. Someone could say " i am broke". But they are basing their identity on the past, if you say I am broke, you are saying you will be broke, because a moment or snapshot of our lives only occurs for a moment! In other words by saying I am broke, they have  declared that as truth regardless of time. " I was broke" is the correct term, since the person is now giving themselves an option to not be broke in the future. A declaration is dangerous because it traps us in our current state.  After asking and believing you must do one more thing, receive!  Because we already believe that we we desire has already come to pass,we simply are waiting to receive what is ours!  Your subconscious mind from therein will instinctively  attract you to situations that would potentially bring you closer to your goal if you like it or not!  And when we notice things happening naturally, simply by directing our thoughts and emotions towards what we desire, it is a tremendous feeling of comfort  happiness and overall self fulfillment, which is the act of receiving. Sometimes it might take hard work, but by simply reminding yourself that you are receiving, can thwart your attention back to the positive.  I am so incredibly  grateful to be able to share the 3 most important aspects of taking control of yourself your surroundings and your destination that I have learned and developed throughout the last 6 months in the business I am a part of. On a personal level, after applying those 3 principles to my life, I have not only experienced a drastic increase of success, but more importantly a more consistent and positive mindset. Stay tuned to Lucrative Marketing for the next blog, where I put my plan into action in order to achieve the goals i have set for myself. Jump on board! or witness it!

Thursday 28 February 2013

Lifes all about Rituals!

If we take a step back and look at the things we do in our lives, is not hard to conclude that we  as human beings are bound and structured by our rituals. For example, We wake up, have a smoke, relax for a half hour, brush our teeth, head to work for 8 hours, watch 2 hours of television, clean the cat litter watch a hockey game and so on.. and we do the same thing on almost everyday of the year. now if we split up the hours of the rituals of an average person. they...

work for 1920 hours a year
brush our teeth for 16 hours
672 hours of television!!!

Are we being controlled to do these things so constantly and I am not even including cleaning cooking and  essential things. 2 out of the 3 rituals most would say are essential, you have to work to live, and and everyone wants whiter teeth and the first step is brushing them. But television, merely 2 hours per day (and i  underestimating by a long shot) and after only  one year, a staggering figure of 672 hours of what I like to call  wasted time.  Now for a moment , imagine that you changed your rituals, but even before that we have to identify what stagnates a ritual? We have to work.. and we have to brush our teeth, but why would television be such extraordinary ritual in my life? Because it appeases to our immediate gratification. It entertains us and becomes desirable in our needs and wants.  It might make you laugh bring you excitement heartfelt comfort. But beneath the surface we see thing happening. People on television entertaining and making
money from your expense and wasted time.  Your rituals come from what brings gratification. Now our job is to decide to invest our time in rituals that bring us either immediate and temporary or long term and permanent gratification

 We cannot see the difference in the whitness of our teeth after simply one brush, however we know that by being consistent in doing so, we will eventually see results. But what long term benefits
 does immediate gratification entail?  

This is my second tip in the 3 part series in being more successful in whatever goal your want to achieve, that
we are bound by our rituals. Change the rituals to support goals of long term gratification and your life will begin to change if you like it or not! Instead of watching television or participating in activities that appease to your immediate gratification, invest your  wasted time in productivity that will help you down the road!

Stay tuned for the 3rd and final part of the 3 part series!

Saturday 23 February 2013

The Definition of Work

what is the definition of work. most of us would agree that the word itself brings  a predominate thoughts of a hard job they had themselves or witnessed someone else doing. so what does work equate? one thing! MONEY.  so do we dread money$ of course not. but the thought of making money , good money for that matter can incorporate thoughts of doubt discouragement and planned disappointment.

it doesnt have to be this way. and it all starts with  these 3 imporant principles.

throughout the next 2 weeks i will state 3 principles that will gaurantee a more successful approach to any thing you want to be or go in your lifetime!
1. association
dont take this the wrong way but take a look around you and who do you see. it might be your family friends and of course people close to you. a vital question to ask yourself is, are the people who you associate yourself with in the same direction or heading in the same direction in accordance to your dreams and goals? 

im not saying by any means to dissociate yourself from people who you care about. but additionally if you for instance, want to be successful in your area or field. than befriend someone who has what have, who have achieved what you want, study his or her habits.  football is a great analogy. in professional levels their are coaches hired for a specific position within football. They do not place defensive backs with a  coach who specializes in field goal kicking.  

in my industry the mlm industry. i can consider mentors and sponsors as coaches. all working towards one goal. just like both the players and coaches, we all want to win!

association is a vital key to keeping you on tract in observing, mimicing and perfecting  the proven  processes from those who have done or achieved what you want

Saturday 16 February 2013

If the dreams big enough, the facts don't count!

- Dexter Yager

And we begin...

This is it. My first Blog. Did i ever think id be writing a blog. frankly last year i was quite unaware what a blog was and what purpose  its purpose holds. here it goes.  Why did i Write this blog, what purpose do i hold as a small  pebble  in this ocean called the internet. First of all. I am an independent business owner in the exciting world of multi-level-marketing and I love what I do! Before a few months ago, before I was introduced into the business I'm currently involved in, I was lost, stuck in a perception that lead me to see life as one huge struggle. I grew up in a middle class home, and watched my father work long hours as a machine operator, leave early in the morning and return right before dinner, tired, sore and filthy to the point where the most fulfilling evening would include sleep and sleep alone. Week after week month after month, year after year. I always perceived that as the only option, go to school, get a job and slave yourself to the system just to get by. 10 years later I found myself jumping from idea to idea, job to job, course to course searching for the right direction for me, because if i'm going to work from 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, for the next 40 years, I mind as well enjoy what I'm doing to some extent. I kept searching, doing career surveys, in a blunder, terrified of university, and even more the entry level workforce. I hit rock bottom. One day i ran into my cousin, and asked him what he was doing these days, he said he was busy with a business he started and i, of course, inquired. Upon a full inquiry, I met a self made multimillionaire named Bill Kerr. I was introduced into a comparison of where ALL the money of the world is generated and distributed. It turns out my entire perception of the workforce was wrong! and man does it suck to be wrong.He told me about Robert Kiyosaki,  famous for his book "Rich-Dad, Poor-Dad" . He created the cash flow quadrant. 95 % of the world , is employed and works for an hourly wage (time for money) and they fight over only 20% of the worlds wealth! The other 5% are business owners and investors and share 80% of the worlds wealth. My jaw dropped in amazement. Could this be true? It definitely is!

At this point my mind was filled with new thoughts and perceptions.

I thought why have a man, who cares not about me, tell me when and where work, and most importantly, tells me HOW much Im worth!!

I was introduced into a way that I can define what I'm worth by my own success.

 I realized that No matter how much you make or where you work. If your working time for money your limited to how many hours there are in a week. And Ironically, People typically have either Time and no money or lots of money and no time because your working so work to earn it.


 As it turns out The true purpose of this blog  to share my Goal for 2013 which is to earn $100,000.00 by the end of the year and help 10 others do the same and in the process  share my  journey,learned skills, concepts important points, philosophies, success stories, bumps in the road on the way, and overall the experience. I hope in doing so that I will assist other business owners in proven techniques and skills learned along the way and also inspire others to follow their dreams and pursue whatever they desire. Cheers. I hop